An Acne Treatment in London that Works for Acne Scars Too

A survey of dermatology clinics by a leading newspaper in the UK has shown adult acne has risen 200% this year and that at least one in three such people are over the age of 35. Traditionally acne emerges between the ages of 14 and 17. However stress, pollution and poor diet have contributed to a rise at later stages as well. Dr. Anil’s anti-ageing clinic offers the perfect acne treatment in London which will help acne sufferers get rid of this problem with a little help from some amazing innovations in this category. These techniques have proven their effectiveness in improving acne scars.

Acne TreatmentAt Dr. Anil’s anti-ageing clinic for acne treatment in London, antibiotics both oral and topical are offered as the first line of defence. Roaccutane is also prescribed for severe acne. Further treatments include Obagi, Dermapen, TCA Cross and N-Lite laser which need a qualified professional to operate and control. The concentration of doses and the chemical techniques used are carefully matched with the symptoms and then administered through simple procedures performed by the able Dr. Anil.

Watch Here: What is acne?

The procedures offered at this clinic have resulted in truly phenomenal outcomes with just two or three treatments. This works wonderfully well especially if you are suffering from acne or have deep acne scars left over from your younger days. There is no time limit as to when you can undertake these procedures. If symptoms like these have been troubling you and affecting your confidence then such treatments can help deal with them effectively.

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